Stuck In One Place
Foods That I Miss And Therefore Want To Have Within A Few Weeks Of Coming Home
-Chips and Salsa
-Chinn Chinn
(All of these start with 'ch' and I don't know why)
-Curry Pad Thai from Bangkok Taste
-Shrimp Alfredo
-Real Feta
-Ben & Jerry's Vermonty Python
-Grilled Corn on the Cob and other assorted vegetables with a healthy char about them
-Dad's Ribs
Not Quite A Homecoming
Batman Sounds....berg
Alright, I know I have taken my sweet time for this but I’ve kind of had better things to do than writing for the blog. So, after barely catching the train from Munich, we were on our way to Bamberg. It’s the city where Tina goes to university. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is so pretty! It looks like the Epcot version of Germany. It is that cute and perfect. I guess I expected my perceptions of that perfect little Bavarian town to be far too sunny and optimistic. I had no idea that they would be so close to reality. After we got into Bamberg, we went to the flat of Tina’s former roommate, Eva. She is super cute and so nice. Their flat was amazing! I can’t believe that they are students with a flat that big and new. In the morning, Tina and I went out to start walking around. We realized that the weather was much better than what we had prepared for so we stopped into H&M to pick up some bitchin’ new shades. Mine are big and white and very funky. It’s a fun injection of style.
Around town, there are so many bridges. I think we crossed at least five of the nine bridges in Bamberg. We walked around the downtown area, which was so adorable and therefore tourist-filled. There is an American military base in Bamberg so about 10,000 of the 60,000 inhabitants are from the States. There was a gorgeous cathedral and the surrounding buildings looked like they were ripped straight from the Renaissance. There was a lovely rose garden that had a fantastic view of the city, not to mention the fact that it smelled fantastic. We stayed there and sat on a bench around a fountain just to rest our feet and to take in all of the beauty that was surrounding us. We only left because we were both getting peckish. For lunch, we met with one of Tina’s friends. They were in the same French class and that’s how they met. He saw that I was wearing a rugby shirt and so we spent about 45 minutes just talking about that so of course, Tina had no clue what we were on about. I had grilled feta with vegetables and a fantastic drink. It was passion fruit nectar and sparkling water. They do it all of the time with apple juice here. I have fallen in love with that and will so be bringing that back with me. Well, after lunch, there was more exploring. We had to head back to the flat fairly early because Eva gave us her keys so we had to be there to let her back in. Tina and I made a sa
lad for dinner and then we went out with Eva, her boyfriend, their friends Natalie and Toby. It was so much fun. We just went out for a few drinks but I got to see Tina reminiscing and catching up with her old friends. They took me in really quickly. At least with the language barrier, I know exactly what I am meant to hear and so I know they intended to involve me in the conversation. That is pretty much my day in Bamberg. Anyway, I’ll be able to tell all of these stories and more to most of you in person in less than a week so I don’t feel the need for my normal thoroughness.
Slow Down, You Crazy Child
I Was Hoping To See Eric Bana
First up- München!
I arrived at the train station expecting to see Miss Tina. Key word being expecting. She said that one of her friends would be showing us around because she didn’t know Munich at all. It was actually a friend of hers that I had met before in Krakow. Incidentally, he is also the one that spawned the whole idea of naming our couch. One of the first things that he asked me after we met up was “How’s Jim?” Tina, in true form, had missed the train she was planning and therefore didn’t arrive in Munich until a half an hour after I did. As mentioned in

Jet Setter
Warning! This was written before our day in Munich and the hi jinx that ensued. I will post more with photos tomorrow sometime.
I feel so hip right now! The train to Munich is so nice! It beats the crap out of the trains I’ve taken to Rome and Budapest. I guess the Germans/Austrians would have the cleanest, most modern train. I wasn’t going to get out my laptop because the battery wouldn’t last so long but I just discovered the outlet under my seat. So cool! This morning was a bit hectic. I set my alarm to go off at 5 this morning because I still needed to pack. I woke up of my own accord and thought to myself, “Self, it is awfully light out for being before 5 in the am.” I checked the time and it was indeed not before 5, but an hour and a half after 5. Needless to say, I was freaking out. I hadn’t packed so I was just shoving everything into my backpack while a steady stream of profanities left my mouth. I ran out of the hostel to the nearest main street so I could hail a cab. I had to wait for a few minutes. Curse you, Murphy and your bloody law! As I was running up to the street, I saw three cabs pass. Once I actually got in view of oncoming traffic, all taxis ceased. My heart was pounding out of my chest at that point, a combination of insane stress and the sprint with 20 kilos of luggage. Finally, I got the attention of a cab passing in the opposite direction. He didn’t speak any English and I was trying to explain to him “Keleti Station.” I knew the word for train station started with “pal…something or other.” I had to get out my ticket and show him that and then he took his sweet time. I’m sure if I wasn’t in such a rush, the speed would have seemed perfectly normal but when you have about 10 minutes before your train leaves, perception of time is slightly warped. Anyway, I got on the train with quite a few minutes to spare. Now I’m kicking myself for not using a few of those extra minutes to grab something to eat. I have to say, this is a sweet ride, especially since I only had to pay 29 Euro for it.
Leavin' On A Jet....Train
Buda Belly

Nelli, Kitti and I went up to the Castle Hill yesterday. The weather has been cooperating gorgeously so all of these photos have magnificent blue sky. The whole district looks like a movie set or something because it doesn't seem like a place this clean and perfect can exist in real life. The picture of me is from the castle walls and the building in the

Smells Like Toast
Are Your Cats Old Enough To Hear About Jesus?

Animal Friends

The last pic is my dinner last night. Goulash soup and the Sopszka salad. It was basically a Greek salad only with

I Believe You Mean Yum-mus

Stranger in a Strange Land

Happy Fourth of July! It's so strange to not be eating brats and corn while lighting shit on fire in the true American tradition. Anyway, I already wrote about missing my bus and having to spring for the night train. It wasn't that bad but I had the top bunk and there was basically no circulation. It felt like I could have made a swimming pool from my own sweat. I met some nice people on the train, 2 guys from England, a Brazilian guy and 2 Chinese girls. I arrived in Budapest an hour late but it's not like I had anything to do that I was late for so no biggie. The directions to the hostel were this: "Get on Tram 24, ride 5 stops, walk 6 minutes (500m)" I got on tram 24. I rode for 5 stops. Now the tough part. Walking. The directions neglected to mention which direction I should be walking in. The 6 minutes turned into more than 2 hours. I asked people and they had no idea what I was talking about. On the up side, the people here are way nicer than in Krakow. Most of them speak English which is helpful. I got so frustrated that I went into a hotel and asked the receptionist if she knew where it was. She made some calls. Eventually, I asked if I could have the internet password and plugged in Stan. Got the conformation e-mail and looked at the address. I was 2 blocks away. I never would have found it on my own though. I was basically drenched when I went into the office of the hostel. The people running it are from Beijing or somewhere else in northeastern China judging by the accent. It is so cool that I get to practice in Hungary of all places. So, I had a few Euros left over from Italy but no forints so after my shower I went out on a mission to find cash. It took me a ridiculously long time to find an ATM. Turns out, there are like 4 within a few blocks of my hostel. Keep in mind, I hadn't eaten in like 17 hours at this point so I wasn't at my most vigilant. I finally got money and I went to a Chinese restaurant that had been recommended on a travel website. It's been like 6 months since I have had good Chinese food. Also, I had the Hungarian style potato pancakes the day before in Babca Malina so getting Hungarian food wasn't as pressing. By the time I got to the restaurant, I was past the 18 hour mark. Oddly enough, I wasn't that hungry. I was just getting shaky from low blood sugar. I was wicked tired. Being hot and sweaty doesn't lend itself to restful sleep after all.