Chelsea's 21st Birthday was on Tuesday. In Poland, 21 is just another birthday but any reason to celebrate is a good one, right? She planned to do a pub crawl around Kazimierz which sounded like a good idea at the time. Well, Chelsea hates to cook so I offered to make dinner for her so she wouldn't have to make her own food on her birthday. Well, that suddenly turned into 10 people coming over to the flat for dinner. I had an hour and a half to put something together. Well, I'm pretty much a BAMF and pulled it off gorgeously. I did have the advantage of not needing to do dessert since Chelsea's flatmates, Helvia and Sara, had that covered. I'm not sure if I have talked about this much but Chelsea and I are pretty much the same person. Turns out, she also has a deep appreciation of Eddie Izzard, especially the Lego version on YouTube. We quote that all the time so I thought the perfect dinner for her would be penne a la arrabiata. It was super delish! I also steamed some broccoli and turned an entire loaf of Chleb Krakowia into some kickass garlic bread. On Wednesday, nothing terribly exciting happened other than the fact that I saw a

hedgehog. I'd never seen one out in the wild before. That is if you can call our urban campus "the wild." It's a good thing they are spiky because they are not fast. I was walking back from class when I saw the shadow of what looked to be a ridiculously huge and tailless rat crossing the street as a car was coming. Being my nerdy self, I wanted to see what it was and I realized it was not a rat but an adorable hedgehog. It tried to escape down a hill and into a drainpipe. It was so adorable to see the little spiky butt struggling. I actually touched its spikes. I thought I had probably scared it enough so I left it alone. Not before getting a few snapshots (without any zoom). Thursday was just a good day all around. Before Polish class, I went for a walk in the Planty and got lunch at this cheap and

delicious place called Green Way. A lot of vegetarian fare and more veggies (other than cabbage) than you see on most menus here. I also popped into the Galeria and bought a pair of heels. These ones are black and have a thicker heel to them so I don't feel like I'm going to break my ankle when I step out onto the craggy streets of Krakow. I bought my tickets for Milan and I found out that I am getting a new laptop!!! This means blog entries every day or two. Last night, there was a Salsa Party hosted by ESN. I had the brilliant idea to wear my new shoes. Not a wise choice. Before we even got to the club, my feet were killing me. Cobble stones and heels are not a good combo. Obviously, I was not really keen on dancing. I sat and talked with people for a while to try and recover a bit. The music sucked so I wasn't terribly motivated to get up and dance. Eventually, I cowboyed up and took to the dance floor. It was fun but I'm sure I would have enjoyed myself much more if I had worn my brown flats. Live and learn. I ended up walking home barefoot. On the way back, Artem and I walked past so road repair in Karmelicka. The guys doing the work started yelling at us in Polish when we tried to cross the street and so we figured out he wanted us to go around. Well, I guess I didn't go quite far enough around because I ended up stepping (barefoot) into warm asphalt. I have officially left my mark on Krakow.
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