
Day 9: Sweat Bucket

I continued on my Turbo Jam kick and did Fat Blaster today.  I love that workout!  It is just a series of 4 anaerobic drills so it gets your heart rate up really high.  I am so sweaty right now and it's wonderful.  I don't like being sweaty during almost any other time but a good sweat clears my head.  There's science in it.  Toxins build up in your blood stream and can get released through your skin and in your sweat.  The other day I also smelled ammonia at the very end of my workout but I guess that's somewhat normal too.  If you workout too long and too hard without sufficient carbohydrates, your body starts burning fat or protein instead of carbohydrates in large amounts.  It results in your body releasing ammonia.  I thought it was weird and I looked it up.  From all of the different websites on it, I guess it happens to a lot of people.  Marathoners prevent that by drinking Gatorade or other sports bevs to restock on carbs.  Little tidbit of the day that no one will read.  I'm leaving for Tennessee tomorrow.  This should be interesting.

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