Well, things have been shitty lately. I'm feeling alone and floundering. I gained 1.4 pounds if you can't tell from the title. Yesterday was quite possibly one of the worst days of my life. I think that says more about how charmed my life has been so far but it still sucked. I waited by the phone for 2 hours for a phone call that never came. That will hopefully be remedied in about 20 minutes. Then, at 10 p.m. last night, when I was about to go to bed for my early shift, I got a phone call from the co-owner of Biggby Plainwell saying that I was terminated for defamatory comments on my Facebook page. Note, Warren said nothing of the comments being untrue, just that did not show his company in the best light. I'm sorry but if you pay me minimum wage and only give me 5 hours in a week, you do not get a PR rep. You get minimum wage level commitment. Actually, since it was me, I think they got a bargain because I was promoting and upselling like I got a share of the profits. I went in to pick up my last pay check and drop off my shirts and handbook today. Last night, after the phone call, I wrote letters to Brooke, my manager whom I have mentioned before on the blog, and Cheryl, Warren's wife, Brooke's mom and co-owner of the Biggby I worked at. If you guys want, I can post those letters. Basically, they were apologies for inappropriate comments and saying that I thought they were wrong for firing me. Brooke's letter was a lot nicer because I don't think she wanted to fire me. When I went in to drop everything off, Cheryl told me she was sorry things had to end this way but I said negative things about the company. That's the part that is really bothering me. On both occasions, I was told that what I did was wrong because I didn't "portray the company with a positive image" not because I lied. I value honesty. I guess I think it's more important to tell the truth than be on message and deliver the company line. That's why I could never run for office. I'm too good for that. I thought I worked for a simple coffee shop, not Fox News. I wonder if I told everyone that Biggby Corporate were unicorns and management shat rainbows would I still be fired? Saying the positive is more important than saying the truth. The funny thing is, I got my information that got me fired from my evaluation.
Here is a direct quote from the evaluation I received the day I posted what got me fired:
"Areas which make you a good BIGGBY barista:
Positive attitude
On time and in uniform
Great at up-selling and suggestive selling
Keeping yourself busy during slow times
My comment was basically to the effect of "Despite all the above listed things, I only got five hours this week. Biggby apparently doesn't value these qualities very much." While I did use profanity, I don't really see how this is untrue or even based on partial truths. I have a piece of paper in front of me telling me these things and in the comments section it said that they could only give me limited hours. Life lesson learned. Don't express how you feel. Or at least don't do so if people are more concerned about image than truth.
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