
Yakima Bound

Sorry that it has been so long since I posted anything.  I had a temporary internet issue that has since cleared up. My wireless connection returned as mysteriously as it left.  Anyway, I am headed to the SERVES conference today.  It's in Yakima which is about 3 hours away.  I'm not really pumped about being away from my students but I am excited for the bonding with my fellow Americorps volunteers.  I get to talk with Laura and Alex a bit.  Laura and I hang out outside of work but I never see Evan or Alex.  This should be a good chance to really get to know my co-workers.
Time and I have been getting along better.  Actually, 95% of the time we get along fine.  It's just when he flies off the handle and goes all insane/angry.  Then there is awkwardness afterwards because he doesn't mean anything by it and I take it like it means something.  The problem is, I'm not OK with that.  Before you reach for anger, you should always try to solve a problem without raising your voice.  It's frustrating but it makes me feel good that even though I start crying, I can still keep my head about me.  I may not have total control over my body but I am able to use some of the conflict resolution training that I have had in my own life.

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