
The Date

Last weekend, I met a guy while I was out with Muang and Karen.  We hit it off because we actually had a conversation rather than being grabbed and gyrated against.  Phone numbers exchanged.  Cute texts and flirting via e-mail.  Promising, yes?  The date was set for Saturday.  I told him to pick the place since he asked me out.  He chose a charming bistro in Capitol Hill.  All the makings for a fantastic date.  Except the guy.  We hugged when we first saw each other.  He's 31, Canadian, and works for Amazon.  I knew this from when we first met.  New things I learned from our (very awkward) (stop and start) (reminiscent of learning to drive a stick shift) conversation over dinner that his wife left him 6 months ago, the divorce just went through 3 weeks ago (meaning that it had just gone through 2 weeks ago when we met) and smokes pot.  I understand that divorces happen but I'm 22.  I don't need that much emotional baggage right out of the gate.  Also, I need someone with passion.  He has no passion.  He's only in Seattle for work but likes it here.  I want someone who loves where they are.  He's done some traveling but seems like he has seen enough of the world.  I want a man that thinks there is no such thing as enough of the world.  Needless to say, there was a first date but there will not be a second.  At least, I got a free meal and learned more about what I don't want in a person.

Side note:  The housing hunt is continuing.  Homeless in 26 days and counting.  Muang and I have a few places that would work nicely.  Now we just need to see which ones would be the best fit for our needs.

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