So, I had a pretty hard core couple of days with Phil and friends so last night, I just hung out with CTatch for a calm night. She was pretty sick the past few days. Melanie, in her infinite wisdom in all matters medical, decided that Chelsea had swine flu after hearing the she had a fever. Yeah, she's just a few weeks away from the correspondence course medical degree with two n's in University. We had a party on Friday night that ended up with me being really unhappy. Our neighbor came up and told us to quiet down so we tried to herd everyone out of the flat but drunk people aren't known for their rational compliance so that was quite the task. I tried to bat clean up and get people out starting from the bathroom and pushing them out from there. People kept begging me to let them into the toilet
but I told them they could pee outside. It was kind of working when the cops were called.
While we were inside, dealing with the authorities, the party continued on the police van. Thanks, Erasmus friends!
We got a 200 zlotych fine. We were still in the hallway when Tomek, who during the night wrote all over our cabinets with marker and brought several drunk Polish people who no one else knew, decided to come back up to find his wallet. I told him to stay out of our flat and we let him find it after the police had gone. He started saying that he's Polish so he should be in the flat talking to the cops for us (we already had someone interpreting for us) and in the end, he was making a bigger noise than it was worth so I just let him in. Everyone else went to Kitsch but I stayed home because I knew that I wouldn't have any fun because I was in such a bad mood. Saturday was spent on clean up. Melanie left that morning so she did most of it before she went because we couldn't have a full group time to clean. As previously mentioned, Saturday night was chillin' with my twin. Today was ridiculously lazy (thus the title of the blog; Mom, ask Dad what it means). I tried to download the movie that Dad posted for me but that hasn't worked so well because anytime the connection is interrupted (which if I'm in my room is a lot) it has to start all over again. Instead of seeing Keanu Reeves as an alien, I have decided to learn French. Therefore, I am downloading Coffee Break French from the Radio Lingua Network. I also got the One Minute Polish thing from the same people and it was very helpful for the bare bones survival stuff when I first got here. Soon, I will be able to spy on Nicole and Thibaut!

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