This is a picture of the box once it finally got to me. I was in my room, chilling and most likely reading (I've read all the books available to me in English at least twice) when Melanie came in to tell me that a man at the door has my computer but he wants 290 zlotych in cash right now before I can have it. After a frustrating exchange wherein I explained that I didn't have the money in cash on me and the postal guy tried to explain something to me in Polish, I had to run (literally and I didn't have time to change out of my PJ's or put on a bra or anything) to Kefirek which is the closest ATM. On my way back to the flat, a car honked but I assumed it was directed at someone else. Turns out, it was the Post Guy in his Post Van with Stan in tow. He had to fill out his Post Form so I could pay the Post Extortion to finally recieve the package. I know that this is all over and done with but it still pisses me off. Still working on the internet in the flat but I have Stan in my hot little hands and I can connect at other locations (i.e. Chelsea's flat which is where I am right now). Today was Polish Independence Day and Friday was Labour Day. I spelled it the British way because it is basically a continent wide thing. Tuesday marks the beginning of Juwenalia, a huge festival for students with lots of concerts and parades. It promises to be all sorts of fun!
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