
Grand Jubilee

It's my fiftieth blog post so...yay me! Also, I would like to give a warm welcome to Hania and Ania. Yes, you guys are allowed to comment on my blog. It's not considered stalking. It just demonstrates that I am cool enough to be on your mind even when I'm not in the immediate vicinity. I have my last exam today. International Political Relations. For some reason, I am stressed which really doesn't make any sense whatsoever because I'm an IR major and a native speaker so failure is not an option. However, I am feeling a lot of pressure to pull off a 5.5 on this one. Everyone talks about how it's not fair that I have so much going for me in that class but that's life. Fair is a place where a pig wins a ribbon. After that, I have no reason not to be amazingly blissfully happy. Other than the ridiculous amount of people that I have to say goodbye to in the coming weeks. Alex left today. That was the first one of the people I have really spent a significant amount of time with. I have a feeling that I will cry when Nicole and Thibaut leave along with Tiki and Phil and all of the kick ass UEK folks I've gotten to know over the past few months. I know I'm lucky to have had this experience but it's just not fair that I get to meet all of these amazing personalities that have so much to offer and then they get yanked away like cookies from a kid before dinner. Thank science for the internet. I couldn't imagine doing something like this and knowing that I would never be able to Skype or even IM with these people. I needs to get my shower on so I can be confident (read: not stinky) for my exam today. I'll probably write again tomorrow because I won't have to study!!!


Hanka!! said...

Well, well, well...I DO feel honored! But yeah it is really sad how you can get very close with people who were complete strangers...and once you feel like you are really getting to know each other, you have to be seperated. However, I have had a few experiences like this, and i keep in touch with a lot of the people i have met over the years...facebook and skype are great!

A said...

I think being away for so long has affected your ability to count. 43 posts from 2009 and 2 posts from 2008 = 45 posts...not 50! HOWEVER... I am trying to catch up on them since I didn't know this new blog even existed for the first several months that you were gone. I promise I'm not a bad friend, just a scatterbrained one. I miss you like WOAH and can't wait for you to be back. On the other hand, I know from personal experience how hard it will be for you to leave and if I weren't being selfish, I would wish for you to have more time there. Love you and see you soonish!!