

I'm tired of Time's shit.  This wasn't even a thing but it's just frustrating.  I have the bottom one third of the freezer which is de facto "my area."  I thought the other people in the house were aware of this.  Time just loaded up about 8 frozen chickens.  Rather than moving the two things of mine that weren't in the drawer, he put them in the refrigerator.  This isn't that big of a deal because I caught it before they were thawed but it just adds to the list of things that show his disrespect for me and inability to handle any kind of disruption to his little routine.  I'm not even sure that compromise is in his vocabulary.  I can't believe that I am actually blogging over thawing vegetable lasagna.

In other news, life at work is lovely.  Another one of my students passed the citizenship interview today.  We also had a photographer from ACRS come in and take pictures for the newsletter.  We are going to be the cover story.  I'm glad that the citizenship program is getting some recognition.  There is even the possibility of full restoration of naturalization funding at the state level.  This would make it even easier for me to get a job after my Americorps term.  I don't want to get my hopes up but it would be awesome if I could get a big girl job there.

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