I have no clean underwear right now. This very second, I am not wearing underwear because the pair I was wearing is all sweaty from working out. I have a pair of clean, yet damp underwear hanging up in my closet. Why is that you ask? Because Time caught me changing over my laundry at 11:30.
I put my stuff in the wash when I got home and was a bit nervous because there was a load in the dryer. We have a piece of cardboard to put on the washer in that event so that when the person with things in the dryer comes to get their things out of the dryer, they can start the load in the washer a-tumblin'. I was really hoping that would be the order of events but no. I fell asleep because I was truly worn out after a long day of selflessly helping others and giving so much of myself while getting pretty much nothing (at least monetarily) in return. I woke up at 11:30, with my contacts still in because I passed out.
We also have a house rule about no laundry after 10:30. I fully admit the I am in the wrong on that.I have a few caveats for that admission of wrongdoing. First, my room is directly over the laundry room. This means that if there is anything going on in the laundry room, I hear it. Time directly told me, which he denied ("Don't lie") and then later recanted ("I may have said that but I didn't mean it like that"), that the rule about laundry time is specifically for the person sleeping in my room because of the location of the room. Second, I woke up, went downstairs and then heard someone walking around upstairs. This triggered my "Oh shit" alarm to go off in my head. Time was already in a tizzy about Jim turning off the lights in the kitchen while the oven was on earlier in the night. (P.S. With how easy he blows, it's kind of amazing that he doesn't yell at least every day) He came downstairs while I was taking out the other person's load and putting in my own. He asked me what I was doing to which I responded,
"I don't have any clean underwear for tomorrow. I figured that since you told me the rule about laundry was for the person in my room's benefit, and it's only 11:30 that I could start my load and it would be ok." It amuses me how after how many years of being a legal secretary or whatever soul sucking work that he does, Time always tries to use legal jargon. Tonight he was somehow insinuating that there is some kind of universal law in cohabitation situation about clothing restoration and stain removal proceedings wherein party A shall not commence in any laundry cleansing activities at or after the hour of "ten thirty o'clock" has been reached. He gets his knickers in a twist which makes his English even worse.
Push comes to shove, I have no clean, dry underwear. I want to go work out right now to burn off this stress but I don't think that walking through downtown to get to the gym, since the buses aren't running right now, would be the best idea. Also, I would either be going commando or reusing so there would be serious stink issues. I would get back and Time might yell at me for showering too late at night.
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