
One Year Later

As much as I believe that Facebook is taking over the world (myself included), it has provided me with a wonderful gift lately.  There have been "On This Day in 2010" runners.  September 8, 2010 found me excited to practice Chinese with native speakers so often.  I can't believe that it was one year ago that I was getting my SeaLegs and starting my AmeriCorps term.  I was planning on applying for the Peace Corps after my term was over.  I didn't know if would be able to attend Louise and Chris's wedding because I didn't know where I would be during October 2011.

In a single year, I have gone from a scared college grad who had no clue what to do with her future, let alone how to achieve those aims, to a full-time case manager working on a team and doing a job that makes each day a fabulous challenge.  I have health insurance, a solid living situation and complete financial independence.  What a difference a year can make!

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