
The World Stood Still

Ten years ago today, I was sitting in Mr. Herbert's social studies class when another teacher wheeled in a TV to show us the breaking news.  I remember for the first few hours not thinking it was that big of a deal.  The day continued somewhat regularly and I had no idea how the world would change.  I didn't know that the towers had collapsed until after I got home from school.  My mom was sitting in front of the TV.  Somehow it got real when it was on the big screen and Mom looked worried.

The next day was when the impact of this tragedy started to sink in.  I remember my optimistic nature was already showing because for a long time I argued in class for it being a mistake.  I thought no one would ever do that on purpose.  The planes just had a navigational error or something so it was a big mistake.  I think September 11th made me want to go into International Relations.  If people could talk and have their communication be effective, then we would never have to resort to violence.  We didn't have class for a week. We just had discussion.  A lot of people were scared.  Many cried.  No one knew the long impact that this would have.

Ten years later, I have a much deeper concept of the world.  I am an independent adult but my life and my generation will always be defined by that haunting image of the second plane careening into the tower with a plume of black smoke coming from the first.  So many people in their 20's and 30's already had the chance to become a fully formed adult when the attacks happened.  Others were too young to really know what was going on.  People my age were old enough to understand what was going on and young enough to have those event tattooed on them forever.  I am a child of 9/11.

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