
Day 22: Back On Track

I took yesterday off to give my ankle time to recover.  I just did Punch, Kick and Jam but with all of the low impact modifications.  I was feeling really tired and low energy when I started my workout but now, I'm feeling a lot better.  I have to work at 5 so I don't have a lot of time to blog before I need to get showered.  I think today was kind of a reminder of how far I've come because I used to only be able to do the low impact stuff.  I couldn't do all of the jumping around without exhausting myself.  Now, I do it without really thinking about it.  The workouts are still challenging but they are doable.  Today, I also re-read the Paul McKenna book.  I really want to step up the changes in my body so that's what needs to be done.  I'm glad that Mom is seeing my dedication to this and I want to make this my last attempt at getting healthy.  I am getting into a routine so hopefully, by incorporating exercise into my life, I can make those changes permanent.

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