
A Day At The Beach

First of all, no one warned me about the giant spiders in the Northwest.  Sweet lord!  They are HUGE!  Here is a picture shortly before its execution by Keen with a matchbox for scale.

My mom's friend, Cassie, invited me out with her family to ride a ferry and see the beaches.  It was a lovely day and I took lots of pictures.  Here are a few.

We hoped to see a seal or sea lion but unfortunately, we did not.
On our way to buy tickets.
It was just a bit windy on the ferry.
No one knew the name of the birds on the pilings but I still thought it was cool to see some wildlife.
We went to a beach after we rode the ferry.
Spiral-y driftwood.
I like this one.  A bit artsy but not too much so.
I was surprised to see how clearly the bird's foot prints were preserved.
I looked like an idiot taking this picture but it was worth it.  I love how it turned out.  It looks like Julia and Patrick are off to explore a new world.
The green and red kelp look really pretty together with the shiny rocks.
It looks like this wood goes on forever.  Another shot that I looked retarded getting but I like it.

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