
Much Has Happened, Little Has Changed

I went home for a blissful 6 days of visiting friends and family.  It was wonderful and I came out of the whole deal with a bitchin' new 32Gig iPod Touch, complete with front and back cameras.  I also got an awesome hat that looks like a koala from my sister that I constantly get compliments about.  Seeing all of the lovely ladies of Veto Street was awesome, especially because it resulted in a "soft and sultry" new 'do.  That description is courtesy of Ms. Laura East.

The first week back was stressful because it meant the start of all of our classes.  I have my first citizenship class of the quarter tomorrow morning.  The church that I teach at is getting all snippy and blaming us for things that are not our fault but as a result of their pettiness, I am severely constricted in my teaching space.  I am going from a Sunday school classroom to a small conference room.  I am not happy about this.  On the upside, IT is ordering a projector for us so I can use more effective visuals with my students.  I hope this can really lock in all of the information I am throwing at them.

Muang had propositioned the idea of being gym buddies before the New Year and I am finally going to take her up on it.  Her gym has Turbo Kick and Zumba as well as all of the normal treadmills and ellipticals.  I can also make a great workout playlist on my iPod.  I hope that this will add a new dimension to my life and make me healthier.  That's all for now.  I have many things going on but that's all I feel like writing for the moment.

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