

As you might guess by the title of this entry, I am disappointed. I am disappointed in you. I ask for one thing. A few minutes of your time to update me on what's going on in your life. I didn't receive a single message or e-mail other than my regular mail from Mom. I boycotted the blog for a week in hopes that maybe someone would do as I requested. It hurts to not be connected with all of the people I love and care about. This week, Larry Barlow died. I didn't know him very well at all and what I did know, I didn't particularly like. I'm an honest person so I don't instantly forget all the negative qualities of the dead and act like we were best friends. I can say this, he was 21 years old and we went to school together for 7 years. One third of his life, I was at the same building 5 days a week. It's very sad and it's in a moment like this that I want to be connected to my loved ones. I want to let everyone know that I love them and part of that love is wanting to know how your day went. What's important to you right now? What makes your heart race this second? What is stressing you out and what do you want to talk about? One of the main ways that I define myself is as a friend and confidante. I love being the person that you want to talk to when you had a really shitty day or the guy you like gave you his number. I feel like I have lost that identity since I've been here. I'd really like it back.
Another disappointment, the trip to Gdansk was canceled. There weren't enough people who signed up so it was called off. I guess this is a blessing in disguise because that gives me more time to work on my International Economics paper. It shouldn't be that difficult but it's just a matter of motivation and sitting down to do it. It's 5-15 pages on the impact of the financial crisis on the United States and the measures being taken to reduce and alleviate those effects. It is even more boring than it sounds.
To cover the past week, I didn't do a whole lot out of the ordinary. On Friday, I went to Alex's flat. Alex is a girl from California who is best friends with Tiki. Tiki is a badass who is studying at UJ. She is also American. She was born in New York, lived in Japan (speaks fluent Japanese) and goes to university at Durham in England. Like I said, badass. Alex is here teaching English and she invited some of her other English teaching pals over. They were 3 guys from Scotland. One of them is half Asian. It turns out we met him a few weeks ago at Carpe Diem but we thought he was just one of the 80 gazillion British people here on holiday/ for a stag party. Cheap vodka has a way of attracting people. Then, there was Tom and Doug. Tom was shy and quiet but he is really sweet. Tiki refers to Doug as the Keebler Elf (not to his face). This is fairly apt description though I can't speak as to his affinity for baked goods. He is short with a fairly elfin appearance in a Down's syndrome kind of way. His accent is nigh unintelligible. He was really outgoing but as he became drunk, extreversion quickly turns into pesky gregariousness. Just to let you know, I did not use a thesaurus for this entry. I just need to use big words when I get the chance because I have to speak slowly and with teeny tiny words for non-native speakers.

1 comment:

Molly Malone said...

Big word,big word, bigger word, der...