

I have a cold.  Of course, that's how the world works.  Actually, that's how my body works.  All of the running around and stress about housing wore down my immune system.  My reward requires a box of Kleenex.  Today, I spent some solid time watching Pushing Daisies and drinking tea.  I got some Irish Breakfast tea from Trader Joe's yesterday.  That stuff is wicked cheap and really good!  I will be starting my day with it every morning.  Also, to figure out how to time my commute, I just got back from walking to the bus stop and back.  It's drizzling so I broke out all of my rain gear.  It takes me less than 18 minutes to get from the house to the bus stop so I will leave the house 6:38 to get to work by 8:15.  Yeah, I'm pumped about this.  Russ and Beth's house is situated on a very steep hill.  Surprisingly enough though, I'm able to get back from the bus stop in 22 minutes meaning that the incline only adds 4 minutes onto the time with the decline.  I came back quite sweaty so overall, it was a damp sojourn but it did help out my cold.  Now that I'm sitting down again, my nose is congested.  I am also solidly tired from my 40 minutes of walking.  Hopefully, I will be able to parlez that into a solid night of sleep despite my lounging today and anxiety for tomorrow.

1 comment:

bf said...

You know, there is a competing product that's
's very good. Puffs with Vick's is particularly nice when you're stuffy. I can send some your way if you have trouble finding them, I have an in....
