
Day 2: Is That It?

I just (meaning still sweaty) completed the Cardio Routine of Power 90. I'm not terribly impressed. It was repetitive and felt very 70's Jane Fonda tape.  I think that I will probably end up swapping out TurboJam or other similar workouts because that will get really old really fast.  I am not in good shape.  I'm definitely better off than I was when I started college but that is because I did rugby.  I was expecting something way more intense. My one area that I struggled in was transitioning to a runner's lunge but that mostly has to do with my arms being too short and my gut being too big.  This workout is nowhere near as intense as I expected but I suppose they want you to be able to stick with it and not die.  I can't really believe that people could get the results they show on TV with this but I'm just in the first set.  I really hope that the III-IV really kicks it up.  I didn't push myself too hard yesterday because I wanted to get used to it but I wasn't sore at all this morning except for a bit in my inner thighs.  We shall see if this "in home boot camp" is all it's cracked up to be.

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